67 Lacawac Rd. Lake Ariel, PA  570-689-4404

Family Owned and Operated!




2005 Ebbtide 180 bowrider, 3.0 mercruiser, mooring cover, Bimini top, caravan single axle trailer.

2010 Crest II, powered with a brand NEW 2024 Yamaha 90 hp.(new owner will get all the warranty), stereo, Garmin, table, bimini top, playpen cover.
Asking $17,900

2013 South Wind 260 SD (26 ft) powered by Yamaha 250. Bimini top, bow and cockpit cover,, stereo, head, sink, aft reversible lounge. Dual axle trailer with brakes included.
Asking $48,000.00

2003 Four Winns 210 Horizon (21ft) bow rider with 5.0 GXi Volvo Penta, 240 engine hours, stereo, 2 piece cover, Four Winns trailer included.
ASKING $10,000.00

2011 Yamaha jet boat 242 limited
2 motors, bt stereo, Bimini top changing room/porta room, full cover, 279.5 hrs trailer included. Asking $29.500 please call 570-689-4404

2009 Four Winns H190
4.3 gxi volvo penta, 2 piece cover, Bimini top, Four Winns trailer. only 196.3 engine hrs.
Sale price: $14,999

1994 Sea Ray 200 bowrider with trailer. 8 person capacity, 5.0 Mercruiser, clean
Asking $5,200.00


2018 South Bay super sport, powered by Mercury 150.
Captain/mates chair, center walk through floor plan, Simrad display, BT stereo, fresh water wash down, table, sink, changing room, tow bar, 2 batteries, playpen cover, bimini top ASKING $45,900